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肺癌 : 參考



1. World Health Organization: Tobacco information sheet
2. Murray CJL, Lopez A.D.: The Global Burden of Disease : Harvard University Press, 1996
3. Anti-Cancer Foundation South Australia: "Lung Cancer"
4. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine: 14th Edition . : McGraw-Hill
5. Peto R. et al: Mortality from smoking in developed countries: 1950-2000 . Oxford University Press: 1994


1. Li En (ed. in chief), Integrated Clinical Encyclopedia of Traditional and Western Medicine , Ancient Books Publishing House. (1999).
《中國中西醫結合臨床全書》 李恩 上冊 中醫古籍出版社 (1999)
2. Liu Jia-Xiang, (ed. in chief), Practical TCM Handbook of Tumors , Shanghai Science & Technology and Education Publishing House, Shanghai.
《實用中醫腫瘤手冊》 劉嘉湘主編 上海科技教育出版社
3. Liu Jia-Xiang , (ed. in chief), Collected Works of Secret Recipes of TCM of China-Volume of Tumor , Wen Hui Publishing House.
《中國中醫秘方大全.腫瘤科分卷》 劉嘉湘主編 文匯出版社
4. Zhang Dazhao & Wu Xiaolong, Diagnosis & Treatment of Common Diseases in TCM , Hai Feng Publishing Co., Hong Kong, (1992).
5. Dr. Pan Zhao Rong of TCM Clinical Research Consultation Centre , Abstract "The Progress on TCM Anti-cancer Research" presented in TWGH's Eddie Wang Symposium on Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, (Dec. 12, 2000)
《中藥抗腫瘤研究進展》摘要-東華三院王定一中西醫藥治療研討會 潘肇榮醫師 中醫臨床研究會診中心 (14-12-2000)
Written By:
Western Medicine:
Dr. Margaret Harris, MBBS, University of Sydney
Integrated Chinese medicine Holdings Ltd.
Chinese Medicine:
Dr. Liu Jia Xiang, 劉嘉湘
Chief Physician, Tumour Department of Longhua
Professor at Shanghai University of TCM
Dr. Pan Zhao Rong, 潘肇榮 ,Chinese Medicine Doctor
Clinical Research Consultation Centre
Angela Collingwood, MSN Integrated Chinese Medicine Holdings Ltd.
Margaret Harris, MB BS, Integrated Chinese medicine Holdings Ltd..
Rose Tse, Integrated Chinese Medicine Holdings Ltd.