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Carmel Posted - 4/8/2015 4:35:23
I have oral lichen planus. Would TCM help? There is no cure in western medicine, just managing symptoms. It is very painful and debilitating.
TCM Posted - 8/8/2015 12:39:41
For this autoimmune issue, Chinese medicine may help regulate the internal body, so as to stabilize immune state and alleviate flare up. It is better for you to consult a local practice and get a tailored therapy according to your mouth sore condition. As in Chinese medicine, several disharmonies are associated with it, such as heart fire, toxic heat in spleen meridian, yin deficiency, or yang deficiency.

You should also modify your life habits, such as balance between work and rest, regular exercise, adequate sleep, plain and easy digested diet. Internal heat accumulation is an important factor for the break out of mouth sore, pungent, spicy and roast foods should be taken moderately, and alcohol and coffee, smoking should also be avoided. Foods like bitter melon, pear, wax gourd, mung bean, bean crud, rice bean, coix seed, eels, lotus leaf, water chestnut, olive and radish are beneficial, as they promote the elimination of accumulated pathogens through urination.
