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Title: R.TCM.P , R.Ac
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Julia Pileski Posted - 30/3/2015 10:12:16
Hi there,

I have currently started treating a menopausal woman with distinct Kidney and liver yin deficiency with an additional complication of damp heat in the liver and gall bladder.

The main reason I am here is to ask if anyone has successfully treated the associated symptom of "dry vagina" with tcm herbs alone? does treating the pattern relieve this symptom as well?? or, do you need to also have a topical treatment??

If so, what have you used for a topical treatment? and what has your success rate been like?

Thanks so much for your input and expertise.


TCM Posted - 31/3/2015 10:56:14
Vaginal dryness can be effectively relieved by conventional hormonal cream.
Chinese physicians rarely prescribe tropical remedy to solve this problem, because vaginal dryness is one of many symptoms of kidney and liver yin deficiency. It can be treated along with other symptoms with yin nourishment method, once the internal environment is rebalanced, the normal secretions will be restored.
