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Title: Sunburn sensation over entire
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Ted Posted - 4/9/2014 3:00:51
I have a sunburn feeling over my entire body that gets much worse at night making sleep virtually impossible. I have been told by my naparpath that it is a result of too many prescription drugs that have created a toxic environment and now my liver is working extra hard to detox my body. I am restricting my diet to only healthy foods that promote liver function and am taking a detox supplement but are there any herbs that can cool my blood so I can relieve the burning?
TCM Posted - 6/9/2014 12:53:12
According to Chinese medicine view, you may have an over-heated blood, and need some cooling and nourishing herbs. Suitable ingredients are fourleaf ladybell root, dwarf lily-turf tuber, reed rhizome, fragrant Solomonseal rhizome and lily bulb. A well-known prescription for this: Rehmannia Pill Plus Anemarrhena and Corktree Bark
