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Title: the 'Cancer Industry' needs us
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Darryl Hetherington Posted - 30/6/2014 16:52:22
Cancer is a billion dollar industry. The pharmaceutical Industry is worth trillions do you think the 'system' wants us to think there is a simple cure?
We have been brainwashed by the 'Medical Industry' for decades into 'knowing' that cancer need funding to 'find a cure'.
Funny how many patients who have gone into remission naturally, are told "well it must have been a mis-diagnosis..." If the medical industry is so advanced, why do so many doctors die of cancer?
See 60 year old student post...
TCM Posted - 9/8/2014 12:49:31
Cancer is a group of diseases that involve abnormal cell growth spreading through the body. There are more 100 different known cancers. Rates are increasing as more people live to old age as well as lifestyle and environmental changes.

Chinese medicine is recommended for cancer prevention, it can also play a complementary role in using alongside with conventional medicine. Chinese medicine helps cancer patients to feel better and cope better with their cancer and the treatment.

It is important to seek professional advice for any therapy.
