Restore the Right (kidney) Decoction
(you gui wan 右歸丸)

Source: The Complete Work of Zhang Jingyue《景岳全書》

shu di processed rhemannia rhizome Rhizoma Rehmanniae Praeparatae 熟地
shan yao Chinese yam Rhizoma Dioscoreae 山藥
shan zhu yu cornus fruit Fructus Corni 山茱萸
gou qi chi Chinese wolfberry Fructus Lycii 枸杞子
lu jiao jiao deerhorn glue Colla Cornus Cervi 鹿角膠
tu si zi dodder seed Semen Cuscutae 菟絲子
du zhong eucommia bark Cortex Eucommiae 杜仲
dang gui angelica root Radix Angelicae Sinensis 當歸
zhi fu zi prepared aconite root Radix Aconiti Praeparata 制附子
rou gui cassia bark Cortex Cinnamomi 肉桂

Indications: weakness and soreness in the lumbar and knee regions, limb coldness, sensitive to low temperatures, impotence, seminal emission, male infertility, loose bowels, incontinence, and puffiness in the lower limbs. With appropriate modifications, modern TCM often uses the formula for conditions such as sexual dysfunction, inadequate sperm count, male infertility, sciatica, lumbar sprain, asthma, bronchitis, chronic nephritis, chronic renal failure, and degenerative conditions that accompany with the above signs.
