Powder of Ginseng, Poria & Atractylodes
(Shen Ling Bai Shu San, 參苓白朮散)

人參 ren shen ginseng Radix Ginseng
茯苓 fu ling poria Poria
白朮 bai shu largehead atractylodes root Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae
山藥 shan yao Chinese yam Rhizoma Dioscoreae
薏苡仁 yi yi ren coix seed Semen Coicis
白扁豆 bai bian dou hyacinth bean Semen Lablab Album
蓮子 lian zi lotus seed Semen Nelumbinis
桔梗 jie geng balloonflower root Radix Platycodi
砂仁 sha ren villous amomum fruit Fructus Amomi
甘草 gan cao liquorice root Radix Glycyrrhizae

Indications: Spleen deficiency plus dampness accumulation that causes indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, weakness and sallow complexion.
