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主題: Rash heat
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Peper Posted - 7/5/2019 12:21:51
Could u send ua info of heat rash in chinese herb theroy

And itchy and scalping whatvwoukd we do to relieve or drink herb

TCM Posted - 14/5/2019 16:46:56
Heat rash usually occurs in summer season, in which is dominated by damp-heat pathogens. The remedies should aim to clear heat, restore normal perspiration in the superficial body, and also resolve dampness and arrest itchiness. Herbal washing is recommended, twice daily for about one week, the usual herbs include peppermint, sopora root, amur corktree bark, atractylodes rhizome, agastache rugosus, chrysanthemum, baical skullcap root, ledebouriella root.
