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主題: Really need to pick yr brain
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Cemp Posted - 30/11/2018 13:29:36
First i got stomach acid refluex second i mouth breath and need go urine during sleep, when i was a child i drank little watet, now my gastroninstinal system is bad always mouth smell bad

And also i sleep bad and wake up tired i tried use tape stick mouth a bit and take malatonin, seems no use

Pls help me dr i appreciate it


TCM Posted - 12/12/2018 14:40:57
你有沒有服用胃酸倒流的藥物, 是否得到控制?
口氣很可能跟胃腸消化不良有關, 但更應排除口腔問題, 例如牙血, 牙周病等。
失眠如果已經出現了一段時間, 是不能短時間內改善的, 除了配合醫囑, 己自還要努力去改變一些生活習慣, 以讓大腦慢慢調節睡眠覺醒的規律

How Posted - 11/12/2018 7:40:32
Pls help dr